More business savvy from Arlene Dickinson; don’t die at 60 with your millions

Arlene Dickinson is smart, savvy and easy to listen to.  She’s CEO of Venture Communications, ‘one of Canada’s largest marketing firms’.

At a recent talk she gave, she was asked for her top advice.  Here  it is, plain and simple.

‘Thank god you don’t live in Haiti [or more recently earthquake stricken Chile].  We are blessed to live in this country.’

More specifically:

– ‘opportunities exist to get through tough times, we have freedom and democracy, we have so much’

– ‘we have to look forward, that’s what entrepreneurs do, make it happen, there’s always a market’

– ‘it’s a marathon not a sprint – take care of your diet, sleep and exercise – stay healthy.  The average millionaire in the US dies at the age of 60’

Are you sprinting or in it for the marathon?  How do yo know?

Like this post?  Here are two more about Arlene’s business philosophy.


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2 Responses to “More business savvy from Arlene Dickinson; don’t die at 60 with your millions”

  1. Amelia Says:
    March 11th, 2010 at 10:23 am

    Hi Lee-Anne:

    I love your posts…They are always thought provoking for me.

    I’ve sprinted most of my life literally without breathing properly. We are bombarded with messages like…do more with less…there won’t anything left if you don’t hurry….the early bird gets the worm…Whew! It’s exhausting even if we didn’t respond to everything that comes at us.

    Whether from a personal or professional perspective, how we undertake the “process or journey” is as important as the final outcome. We need to have a macro view as well as the micro details driving us — both are important at different times and in different ways.

    Ultimately, we want to be here in the long term so we can continue doing the things we love in the first place.

  2. Lee-Anne Ragan Says:
    March 13th, 2010 at 9:25 am

    Hi Amelia
    Thanks so much for your thoughtful feedback.
    Have you read Crazy Busy by Dr. Hallowell? It’s a great book and about these very things. You can read an article I wrote about it here:

    Here’s to acknowledging the marathon, to keeping an eye on the journey and the destination and to doing with with some intrigue and moxy!

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