Workshops that Work


Participants doing an exercise involving paper airplanes (yes, paper airplanes).

Do you have a training function in your job (or want to have one) and do you live in the Greater Vancouver area?

If so you might be interested in an upcoming workshop I’m teaching called Workshops that Work from April 21-22, 2010 at Langara College in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

What past participants have said about this workshop:

“Very engaging, interactive, hands-on and extremely helpful. This is a workshop that I would consider one of the best I have ever had.”

“Excellent instructor – would highly recommend this course. Extremely engaging.”

“Lee-Anne is an excellent instructor who really knows how to tailor her work to her students. I would recommend this to anyone. She is very talented and gives lots of practical examples.”

Training Description:

Learn the techniques and trade secrets of training to encourage greater impact, longer retention and increased creativity. Learn how to make your training more inclusive and not, as many people do, use training techniques based solely on how the trainer (that would be you) learns.

RPS works with you to actively demonstrate and provide lots of reflection time for increasing your capacity to ignite dialogue, discussion and dynamic exchange. Get going, move from good to great.

Taught by Lee-Anne Ragan, President of RPS at Langara Vancouver, BC.  For more information email Leslie Kemp at, to register call 604-323-5322.  Cost $179 Can.

Interested but don’t live in the Greater Vancouver area?  Email me, perhaps we can work together to put a similar training on in your area for a group or groups that you can pull together.


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One Response to “Workshops that Work”

  1. Tweets that mention Rock.Paper.Scissors.Blog » Blog Archive » Workshops that Work -- Says:
    April 9th, 2010 at 4:41 pm

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lee-Anne Ragan. Lee-Anne Ragan said: Workshops that Work; interested in knowing how to teach & train? […]

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