What do women want?

Good question.  Turns out it’s not big, burly men to help carry our parcels to the car.

Best Buy was trying to increase sales to women.  They hired a male consultant (go figure) who said the answer lay in hiring beefy male employees.

Didn’t work (surprise surprise).

What did work?

Asking their female employees to talk to their existing female customers.

This simple, elegant process led to two changes:

  1. wider aisles – to accommodate strollers
  2. product signs that were less technical and more functional – how long a wash cycle takes, how many clothes fit in the washing machine


Sales to women increased by 2 billion (that’s billion with a ‘b’).

Easy peasy.

Through laser listening and incisive insight they nailed it.

Thanks to Peter Sheahan, who I heard this story from.

On a similar note want to know how to get more creative?  Register now for the upcoming course I’m teaching

Embracing Creativity: How to Rediscover Your Creative DNA

June 23rd, 2010, 10 am to 5 pm, Langara College, Vancouver, B.C.

For more information or to register go to the Langara website registration page or email or call Leslie Kemp at 604-323-5981 or lkemp@langara.bc.ca.


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