An older woman who dares sounds a lot like a fantastic trainer

A post by my new friend Sam made me think about how the qualities of an older woman who dares are similar to the qualities of a trainer who dares (indented parallel bits are mine, the rest is Sam’s).
A trainer who dares
Is eager to explore the unknown.
Is eager to explore. Period.
Owns everything she’s been and done.
Owns everything she creates and dissipates.
Wields her sword with force and compassion.
Wields her subject matter with finesse and humour.
Keeps her promises.
Keeps her commitments.
Tithes with her unique gifts.
Shares her unique talents.
Has lost the cares of youth.
Has lost the self-consciousness of youth.
Loves with the experience of her years.
Cherishes learning yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Has honed her priorities.
Has honed her skills.
Knows when to keep going and when to stop.
Knows her pacing; when to keep going and when to stop.
Is deeply connected to her intuition.
Is deeply connected to her training intuition.
Makes heads turn with the radiance of her true beauty.
Makes learner’s heads turn with the radiance of their own true beauty.
Knows when not to accept the status quo.
Knows when to fight, flee and flow.
Doesn’t fear death – and has creative ideas about how to die.
Doesn’t fear conflict – and has creative ideas about how to move through it with grace, grit and learning.
Knows when to forgive and does it with soul full elegance.
Knows when to push, when to recede and does so with grace.
Howls at the moon, at fear and fools.
Howls at those who are closed to learning and at those who diminish the importance of being able to teach.
Knows it’s sometimes important to lick her wounds.
Knows it’s sometimes important to retreat and reconsider a wild training idea.
Takes out the trash that accumulates in the mind and the body.
Offers to assist in her participant’s unlearning.
Enjoys the delicious decadence of sleeping in the afternoon.
Enjoys the delicious sensation of ah ha moments, both hers and her participants.
Refuses to be rigid.
Refuses to be staid.

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