I’m launching Life Lenses™ online at the W.I.N conference in Paris

I’m tickled pink, no actually blue, orange, yellow and bunch of other colours to announce I’ve been selected to speak at the upcoming Women’s International Networking (W.I.N.) conference in Paris, October 5-9, 2010.  I’ll be doing a workshop on “Life Lenses™: polish your perspective & gain a whole new view”.


The global launch of putting “Life Lenses online will also happen at the conference.  For the first time anyone with access to the internet will be able to assess their lenses.


Intrigued?  Read on…

“Are you often misunderstood?”

“Ever work with someone who seems like they are from another planet?”

“Frustrated by co-workers or family members who communicate in confusing ways?”

Most of us are not aware of our own biases and how they get in the way of our relationships with ourselves and others. Life Lenses are as essential to communication as windshield wipers are to cars.

Life Lenses is an interactive, self-assessment tool designed to identify how you view the world and the impact of your views.  Life Lenses illuminates the invisible lenses that you wear, the lenses that colour your perspective and shape how you see the world.

Life Lenses teaches you how to see yourself, understand others and makes communicating easier than you ever imagined it could be.

Are you ready to see clearly?

Watch for upcoming blog posts on each of the Life  Lenses and how you can get involved.

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4 Responses to “I’m launching Life Lenses™ online at the W.I.N conference in Paris”

  1. Dyana Valentine Says:
    September 13th, 2010 at 3:48 pm

    Yahoo!! This is thrilling. I learned so much about myself in the Life Lenses workshop and sincerely crave more info on how to talk to folks from other “orientations” than mine. The insight I gained was so deep that I still keep the bits of language and cues that I can give other people to help them understand me handy for challenging conversations or situations. You are truly providing a tool for change like no other. Rock on, Lee-Anne!

  2. Lee-Anne Ragan Says:
    September 14th, 2010 at 2:10 pm

    Thanks Dyana- so gratifying to know that the Life Lenses continues to be helpful to you. Thanks for your encouragement – stand by for more magic!

  3. Michelle Pante Says:
    October 8th, 2010 at 9:39 pm

    Congratulations on your global launch. The Life Lenses sounds amazing. I’m totally looking forward to learning more about myself and I’m planning on having my husband do it as well. I can see how this tool would benefit people and organizations on so many levels … not to mention the home front!

  4. Lee-Anne Ragan Says:
    October 9th, 2010 at 6:35 am

    Thanks Michelle. Can’t wait to hear how you find the assessment and what you learn from it (for you and hubbie). Here’s to seeing more clearly with those we love and those we’re trying to love.

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