The fine art of balance
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Training & development
The gorgeous video clip below came to me via Dyana Valentine. Other than wondering how the artist can manage to spend so much time upside down while looking so effortless and graceful, it’s got me thinking about balance.
As a learning and development specialist I think a vastly overlooked aspect of training is balance. We all have ways we prefer to learn and yet, if we’re not careful, that’s exclusively how we can end up training. We can unwittingly create and facilitate unbalanced trainings that aren’t accessible nor inclusive.
If I’m in a workshop and the trainer says ‘don’t worry about taking notes, I’ve written everything down for you in the handouts which I’ll give you later on’ I’m immediately frustrated and my lizard brain kicks in. Why? Because if I have to only rely on listening, that info ain’t going in my brain easily. I need to write, to doodle, to make lists, to create links, make charts.
Ultimately creating trainings that are engaging and stick means striking a balance.
Striking a balance between:
– Carrot Life Lenses™ (who want details, details, details) and Mountain Life Lenses™ (forget the details, just give me the big picture)
– Stop Life Lenses™ (who want to pause, reflect, plan and think) and Go Life Lenses™ (who are geared for action, who want to dive in and try)
– Journey Life Lenses™ (whose focus is on the path, where we’re headed isn’t so important) and Destination Life Lenses™ (whose focus is checking things off, getting things done)
– Heart Life Lenses™ (who rely on their intuition and gut to learn) and Head Life Lenses™ (give me just the facts ma’am)
What kind of trainer are you? Which lenses come easily and naturally to you when you are designing and delivering training? Which are more of a mysterious black hole? And most importantly, what implications does this have for your training?
Tags: artur, balance, carrot life lenses, destination life lenses, go life lenses, head life lenses, heart life lenses, journey life lenses, learning & development, life lenses, mimworld, mountain life lenses, perspective, stop life lenses
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