Easy, free planning tools to help you get the year you want
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Business & organizational development
What we see depends mainly on what we look for. ~ John Lubbock
Where I work & play, this time of year the daylight hours are short, the wind blows strong & the rain falls frequently (interspersed with the odd snowfall that brings the city to a standstill). It’s a time made for glancing back & looking forward. A time for reflection, for planning.
My invitation is to take some time to do just that, glance back & look forward.
I’ll use Life Lenses™, a self-assessment tool designed to let you see where your perspective shines & where the dark spots are. To help you further I’ve included a resource for each of the eight lenses or perspectives.
1. From the Mountain Life Lens™ perspective:
2. Mountain’s opposite the Carrot Life Lens™ perspective:
The Carrot Lens gives us depth & details. Systems, systems, systems. In 2010 I spent some time getting my social media systematized. Now it’s a (painless) breeze to enter my analytics for each month. What systems did you implement in 2010? What systems are calling in 2011?
Here’s a free social media-benchmarking template if that system is calling your carrot.
Want to read about the other perspectives & planning resources designed to help you get the year you want? Download the full article here.
Or see the Rock.Paper.Scissors e-newsletter ‘Easy, free planning tools to help you get the year you want’.
Tags: carrot lens, e-series, John Lubbock, learning resources, life lenses, mountain lens, planning, social media, social media benchmarking, strategic planning
January 26th, 2011 at 9:04 am
[…] In my last post I wrote an article about looking back over our shoulder, to the year that was, and looking forward to the year that is yet to… […]