Getting real with Dyana Valentine; is being on track and being true to yourself antithetical?

Dyana Valentine describes herself as dark chocolate chili peppers.  She’s sweet and has a kick when she’s helping self-starters self-finish one project at a time.  Dyana’s a coach in the very best sense of the word.  She’s also a professional instigator, she takes what’s already there and turns up the volumes.  A college instructor, an entrepreneur and a good friend and colleague all give you some sense of Dyana, who is also the subject of this month’s Rock.Paper.Scissors’ newsletter.
I recently asked her 7 questions.  Here are her intriguing responses.
  • What are the biggest blocks or obstacles you see your clients trying to overcome?
There’s never any shortage of ideas but what to do next gets people into a state of analysis paralysis.  Making a decision about what to do next always needs to rise to the top.
  • Daniel Pink, in a Whole New Mind, talks about how our North American-centric search for abundance hasn’t satisfied us, that we’re still yearning and searching. What do you think we’re hungry for?
Transparency, which is different from authenticity.  We’re hungry to take a big leap and be safe and be understood and know that our intentions will be clear and understood by others.
To read the rest of the interview download the article here.
Read the entire newsletter here.

Want to get more of Dyana’s Pitch Perfect [1]?

[1] Please note, I don’t benefit financially from this.  It’s an authentic offer and one which I have no hesitation recommending as I’ve used Dyana’s Pitch Perfect services in person and online.

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