How you teach is how you do everything – part 2: be brave & bold

‘How you teach is how you do everything’ is the title of a recent blog post written by Jen Louden and Michele Lisenbury Christensen, which I think is hands down, one of the most eloquent pieces on teaching I’ve read in a long time.

The post covers 8 points about teaching, which I’m following up with a series of posts on each point.  You can read about the first point, about ‘needy students sucking you dry’ here.  Here’s the second point.

Point #2

Some teachers feel needy and approach teaching as beggars:  “Like me? Love me? Pay me?  Listen to me? … Even just a little? Please?”

Others develop an embodied dignified sense of their right to teach, to serve, to be heard and to exchange value.  And their students benefit.


My take on ‘needy trainers’:

Ah the challenges of a not-so-confident trainer.  We all suffer from nerves from time to time.  If you don’t you’ve either been doing this too long, you’ve lost the ability to care or you’re unconscious.

However participants expect us to be confident.  They are spending valuable resources (time and money) to seek space to learn with you.  That needs to be respected.

Be aware of what value you bring both in what you’re teaching as well as how you’re teaching it.  Be brave.  Be bold.  Be creative.

Teaching gives you great power.  Your participants expect you to use it wisely.

Try something new.  Shake things up.

Teach with your heart, with your mind, with your soul.  Embody teaching.

To find out more about the TeachNow series with Jen Louden and Michele Lisenbury Christensen (including an interview with yours truly) click here.


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4 Responses to “How you teach is how you do everything – part 2: be brave & bold”

  1. How you teach is how you do everything – part 3: humble pie – there’s power in humility | Rock.Paper.Scissors.Blog Says:
    April 1st, 2011 at 4:00 pm

    […] The post covers 8 points about teaching, which I’m following up with a series of posts on each point. You can read about the first, about ‘needy students sucking you dry’ here and the second, about being brave and bold here. […]

  2. How you teach is how you do everything – part 4: Bears? Fireplace in the way? No heat? No problem! | Rock.Paper.Scissors.Blog Says:
    April 4th, 2011 at 4:00 pm

    […] being brave and bold […]

  3. How you teach is how you do everything – part 5: spontaneity via improvising | Rock.Paper.Scissors.Blog Says:
    April 6th, 2011 at 4:00 pm

    […] Being brave and bold […]

  4. How you teach is how you do everything – part 6: five ways to deal with ‘difficult’ students | Rock.Paper.Scissors.Blog Says:
    April 8th, 2011 at 4:00 pm

    […] Being brave and bold […]

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