Destination Aeron for the WhiteHot Truth
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Training & development
I hold out. I waited seven weeks for my Aeron chair because I wanted grey instead of black. I sat on the floor in my living room for three months because I wanted a couch that was three inches lower than the in-store model. I went four months without any creative-type support because I hadn’t found a winner yet.
The above is from Danielle LaPorte’s Whitehot Truth blog, a post called 20 personal money perspectives & practices that took me most of my adult life to clarify.
What caught me was the eye on the horizon, ain’t going to get distracted, ain’t going to cave, laser focus. Danielle, who I know in person, is like that. She knows where she’s going and you just know she’s going to arrive.
That kind of commitment gathers others near. I had no clue what an Aeron chair was before I read her post but you can bet I clicked on the link. I wouldn’t have if Danielle hadn’t been so clear in her intention.
Destination. That’s the gift of a Destination Life Lens™.
Tags: commitment, danielle laporte, destination lens, whitehot truth
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