Storytelling as a culture builder – 3 resources to help you get storytelling

Storytelling is a strategic tool for building organizational culture, managing change, teambuilding and more.  In my last post I covered 9 tips to help you get storytelling.

Here are three resources to assist you in your storytelling journey:

  1. Check out Springboard, the classic book by Stephen Denning, considered the grand-daddy of using storytelling as an engagement tool.
  2. Daniel Pink’s book Whole New Mind has a fantastic section on storytelling.
  3. The Heath Brother’s book Made to Stick also has a great section on storytelling I highly recommend.

Want to know more?  Check out the storytelling article with 9 tips & more resources listed here in Rock.Paper.Scissors Inc.’s latest e-newsletter.


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One Response to “Storytelling as a culture builder – 3 resources to help you get storytelling”

  1. how to play bocce ball Says:
    October 5th, 2011 at 12:35 pm

    As Mark Twain would once say ‘All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure.’

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