Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Social Media and the 3 little pigs© – book review of ‘Social HR’ by Harpaul Sambhi

social media

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  • Are you fearful of social media?
  • Do you have more social media questions than answers?
  • Do you think social media is anyone’s department but yours?

If social media has you huffing and puffing with nerves, consternation and/or fear, the story of the three little pigs will help prevent you from getting blown about by the big bad wolf of social media.

The few social media sessions I see at Human Resources conferences are generally recruitment oriented, so when I saw Harpaul Sambhi’s Social HR book I jumped at the chance to review it and interview him.

Sambhi makes a strong case for including social media in all aspects of Human Resources. In fact his book is a comprehensive read for anyone contemplating how to use Social Media in HR. (By the way, all references to the 3 Little Pigs are mine, you won’t find them in his book.)

Are you nervous? About to stop reading? Relax. I’ll hold your hand and we’ll take it slow. If you still need a nudge to think about your role (yes your role) with social media, consider that not using social media is like saying no to email and sticking to faxes. “It’s the next communication medium. Much like the email revolution in the 90’s, there are over a billion people that are connected on the social graph. Connecting in real time is simply imperative,” says Sambhi.


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