Learning curve: how do you know when you’ve ‘got it’? When your participants have got it?
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Training & development, Travel
Lessons in learning curves from Kenyan soap.
If you’re a regular reader you’ll know that I’ve recently moved from Vancouver to Nairobi, Kenya. The learning curve is sometimes fun and fluid, and sometimes crazy and chaotic.
It’s got me thinking about how we, as trainers, know when we’ve ‘got it’? When our participants have ‘got it’?
Aside from the static sound of ‘getting it’ and knowing of course that knowledge and what you do with it is forever fluid, let’s continue.
For moving to a new home in another culture and country is ‘getting it’:
- being able to shop for groceries and having a relatively good idea of what to get where? The daunting soap aisle above got narrower in focus until I’m now able to find what I’m looking for. See the two pictures below, including the sought after OMO soap.
- knowing your new (10 digit!) phone number without having to look it up on your Iphone?
- feeling like driving on the left hand side of the road is your new normal (and when watching a movie where cars are driving on the right hand side, feeling slightly discombobulated)?
- NOT converting the local currency into your home currency (not there yet)
There are many indicators of ‘getting it’, some are knowledge based, some are feeling/comfort based and some others are behaviour/action based.
What are yours?
Tags: indicator, learning curve
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