Training & development learning well February blog post round up
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Training & development
Sit up, take notice & look back before looking forward to next month. If you didn’t catch all the posts this month simply usher yourself down to the well & click as you wish.
Learn well in the training & development learning well.
Dive deep into the learning well or take a small sip. Shower yourself in training & development or just get your big toe wet.
Refresh & refreshing.
As you wish.
- The Rock.Paper.Scissors newsletter is out:
- 3rd annual To do, To done, To not do, To stop doing & To’odle compilation
- What’s on your ‘to continue doing’ & ‘to stop doing’ list?
- Complexity made simple – that’s what a good assessment does
- Putting the social in social media: testing a drum some 14,000 km away
- Sorry you are leaving (the asylum) & other tidbits of wisdom
- Time out – a cause for paws to pause – cats playing patty cake
- Penguins playing rock paper scissors = lessons about breaking out
- Suck or blow? Power surges & power vacuums
- Global perspective – what sound does your heart beat?
- The Rock.Paper.Scissors newsletter is out: funny resources related to interview with Emmanuel Jal, international hip hop star
Tags: assessment, complexity, emmanuel jal, life lenses, newsletter, perspective, power, social media, to do
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