Training & development learning well July blog post round up
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Training & development
If you didn’t catch all the posts this month simply peruse & click what’s below.
Here’s the Rock.Paper.Scissors’ monthly training & development round up for the month of July.
Learn well in the training & development learning well.
Dive deep into the learning well or take a small sip. Shower yourself in training & development or just get your big toe wet.
Refresh & refreshing.
As you wish.
- Sitting is the new smoking & what else you can learn about change management from cardboard boxes & elephants
- What percent of the time is the leading scorer on the winning World Cup team? And what does it have to do with organizational culture?!?
- Barbie’s booty meets Ruby – an illuminating perspective from the Body Shop
- What does 47 million+ hits on the Numa Numa video tell us about training & development?
- Push for drama – the role of drama in learning & memory
- Bugs in the bathroom = the problem with Journey Life Lenses™
- Are you the lizard or the termite today?
Tags: africa, anita roddick, barbie, body shop, change management, dave ulrich, enthusiasm, gary brolsma, heath brothers, ihrm, journey lens, learning, liz paterson, mattel, memory, numa numa, organizational culture, perspective, public health, retention, sitting, switch, vonrestorff
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