Good Deed Feed – what you look for may be just what you find

I saw this ‘good deed feed’ in the UK Metro newspaper & had to share it.

If you had your own good deed feed what would you put on it in the world of work?  In the world of play?

What you look for may be just what you find.

Here are some examples from a July 2012 issue.

To the girl who put a flower in my fleece pocket at Green Park on Saturday, you really cheered me up.  Thank you. ~ Grateful, London

Thank you to the kind man and lady who stopped on the hard shoulder and offered me a lift when I was on my way to Gatwick.  My taxi had broken down and the driver was clueless.  I wouldn’t have made my flight without you. ~ Girl with the Pink Case, London

Thanks to the kind station assistant at the Harringay Green Lanes station who gave my daughter 70p for her train fare when she had to make an unexpected journey to meet me. ~ Michelle, London

Thank you to my dad who has woken up at 6:30am everyday for the past year so we can share a lift to the station.  Enjoy the lie-ins when I’m back at uni. ~ Heed, Hertfordshire


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3 Responses to “Good Deed Feed – what you look for may be just what you find”

  1. Aaron Johannes Says:
    September 1st, 2012 at 3:49 pm

    What a great idea eh? a little more attention to what’s working in the world is not a bad thing… and thanks for the introduction to your Nairobi friend, speaking of good deeds 🙂

  2. Lee-Anne Ragan Says:
    September 2nd, 2012 at 11:53 pm

    I love this idea. It sparks so much curiousity in me- wonder how many times people see messages intended for them, wonder if it sparks other people doing good deeds, etc. You are most welcome my good deed steed – I hope you can make a connection, sounds like you & your philosophy could be helpful.

  3. Training & development learning well August blog post round up - Rock Paper Scissors Says:
    June 11th, 2018 at 11:20 pm

    […] Good Deed Feed – what you look for may be just what you find […]

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