We leak our Life Lenses™ – even with our computer bags
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Business & organizational development
My (Carrot Life Lens™) approach: gleefully I dove into finding new homes for my things, creating new systems, organizing and tucking away with utter satisfaction.
My partner’s (Mountain Life Lens™) approach: harumphing, he reluctantly transferred things over. It was a chore. Not fun. He wanted it done and over.
While the pictures above aren’t of our particular bags, they made me chuckle as the one above would appear to belong to a Carrot – notice how things are laid out in order, systematically. The items are arranged within an overall square shape. I’d guess the second one belongs to a Mountain – notice how things are laid out without any apparent order, with things at random angles.
Which one’s the best? Depends on your perspective. Each have their strengths on a good day and their downsides on a bad day.
~~TGIF- each Friday I rejig & re-post a blog entry from my www.life-lenses.com blog, which is about enhancing our perspective & worldview.~~
Tags: life lenses
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