Talking snakes tell us loads about perspective & our worldview
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Humor & comedy
I love this Speedbump comic because it so elegantly points out how one person’s perspective can seem ‘normal, natural and right’ and yet that very same perspective can seem ‘abnormal, unnatural and wrong’ to someone else.
Like religion.
Like politics.
Like Life Lenses™.
To a carrot Life Lens™, the sweeping ability of a mountain Life Lens™ to discern patterns can be confusing. To a mountain Life Lens™ the ease with which carrot Life Lens™ create systems can seem unbelievably unreachable.
To a head Life Lens™ the degree to which a heart Life Lens™ focuses on their intuition can be baffling at best. And to a heart Life Lens™ placing priority on what’s tangible, what one can see, touch or taste is inconceivable.
What’s your worldview & how is it influencing you?
~~TGIF- each Friday I rejig & re-post a blog entry from my blog, which is about enhancing our perspective & worldview.~~
Tags: communication, humour, perspective
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