Now that’s a Destination Life Lens™ in full strength- taking a driving exam while in labour

“A Scottish woman who took her driving exam while in labour said she passed the test & drove herself to the hospital to give birth” reports United Press International.

Her water broke at 4 am & she took the driving exam at 8:40 am.

“Everyone was telling me to go to the hospital, but I had waited so long for my driving test, I was determined to do it,  Ms. French said.”

She kept her contractions a secret from the examiner, passed the test & drove herself to the hospital to have the baby.

Now that’s an example of a Destination Life Lens™ in all her glory.  determined to ‘get it done’, achieve the objective, tick the thing off her list, reach the destination.

~~TGIF- each Friday I rejig & re-post a blog entry from my blog, which is about enhancing our perspective & worldview.~~


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One Response to “Now that’s a Destination Life Lens™ in full strength- taking a driving exam while in labour”

  1. Training & development learning well January blog post round up | Rock.Paper.Scissors.Blog Says:
    February 4th, 2013 at 7:01 pm

    […] Now that’s a Destination Life Lens™ in full strength- taking a driving exam while in labour […]

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