The 4th annual To do, To stop doing & To’odle compilation
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Business & organizational development
This blog post is taken from this month’s Rock.Paper.Scissors Inc. newsletter. See the entire newsletter, including free, related resources here. Don’t receive our monthly newsletter? Whatsamatter you! Sign up here.
It’s a new year, fresh with the smell of a new calendar, a fresh start, a clean page. At this time of year you may have already made (& broken?!) several resolutions. Or you may be going strong with a resolution or two.
Wherever you find yourself, take heart from the inspiring people I’ve interviewed below for the 4th annual ‘to-do, not to do.’
They’re an interesting, eclectic bunch. From Mike Volpe, CMO of HubSpot to Chris Weeks Director of Humanitarian Affairs for DHL, from white hot Danielle LaPorte to Disaster & Post-Conflict UN Chief, Dan Lewis, you’ll find something to inspire, your gray matter, motivate you out of your seat towards customizing & keeping your own to-do’s, not to do’s etc.
So banish any vestiges of overwhelm &/or guilt & get ready. Below you’ll find your own customizable template to download & use.
Based on people’s aversion & boredom with to-do lists, 4 years ago, I started a more creative to-do tool, one meant to inspire & lift you up. It’s made up of:
- To Do * things I want to start doing, being or having
- To continue doing * these work, so I should continue doing these
- To stop doing * I tried these but they aren’t effective, so I shouldn’t do them anymore
- To not do * I know I want to stay away from these
- To done * that’s not a typo; these are my accomplishments – I am proud of these. This one is left off most lists I know of & yet it’s critical to take time to reflect on what we’ve done not just on what’s left to do.
- To-oodle * what I do when I need/want to avoid following my lists & let my mind wander.
Some of my favourites are
- Spirited, sassy Joanna Oser, wants to stop business negotiating with men who don’t work well with women. Next step is to take them to the mattresses!
- Dan Lewis wants to stop reacting to stupidity (there’s no bottom to that hole).
- Lainie says her to-done list is long, as I am really proud of what I’ve done.
- Danielle LaPorte’s to-done includes being fiercely proud of having launched The Desire Map program.
So grab some inspiration from these folks in the rest of the article below & then grab your own copy of the customizable to do list template.
Download the rest of the article here.
Tags: dan lewis, danielle laporte, hubspot, joanna oser, mike volpe, time management, to do, united nations
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