You’re fine, how am I? (Dan Piraro of Bizarro comic fame)

Creative Commons licensed on Flickr by: Gamma Man

I love the Bizarro comic by Dan Piraro that has one psychic saying to another ‘You’re fine, how am I?’

(I can’t include it because it’s not licensed for free public use but you can see it here, it’s #8.)

It throws a wrench into perspective.  It twists our typical way of looking at things.

It throws up a looking glass, a mirror, a reflection and asks what you see.

You’re fine, how am I?

~~TGIF- each Friday I rejig & re-post a blog entry from my blog, which is about enhancing our perspective & worldview.~~


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One Response to “You’re fine, how am I? (Dan Piraro of Bizarro comic fame)”

  1. Training & development learning well February blog post round up | Rock.Paper.Scissors.Blog Says:
    March 4th, 2013 at 7:01 pm

    […] You’re fine, how am I? (Dan Piraro of Bizarro comic fame) […]

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