Givers take all: The hidden dimension of corporate culture

Photo Credit: 1$WEAR via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: 1$WEAR via Compfight cc

The quotes below are from McKinsey & Co –  read the full article here.

“After the tragic events of 9/11, a team of Harvard psychologists quietly “invaded” the US intelligence system. The team, led by Richard Hackman, wanted to determine what makes intelligence units effective. By surveying, interviewing, and observing hundreds of analysts across 64 different intelligence groups, the researchers ranked those units from best to worst.

Then they identified what they thought was a comprehensive list of factors that drive a unit’s effectiveness—only to discover, after parsing the data, that the most important factor wasn’t on their list.

The critical factor wasn’t having stable team membership and the right number of people. It wasn’t having a vision that is clear, challenging, and meaningful. Nor was it well-defined roles and responsibilities; appropriate rewards, recognition, and resources; or strong leadership.”

Any ideas what it was?

“The single strongest predictor of group effectiveness was the amount of help that analysts gave to each other.”  Period.

That blew my socks off.

Something so easy to replicate & yet we don’t tend to share easily.  Sandbox rules 101 anyone?


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