Sisi ni Amani means We are Peace in Swahili- tidbits from this group’s recent retreat

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I’ve had more adventures in my life than one person has a right to expect.  I’ve sailed around the world on a ship while going to university.   I’ve worked in -72 degree weather (the Canadian Arctic) & +44 degree weather (Calcutta).  I live in Africa.

What I hadn’t done, until now, is work with the amazing Sisi ni Amani, a group based in Kenya that does peace building using text messaging.  Really.

When I received an email from founder Rachel Brown asking if I’d facilitate their recent retreat,  I confess, I did a happy dance around my computer.

So a few days ago I found myself on the outskirts of Nairobi working with this talented team.  I thought you’d like to see some of the results.  Below are video clips of an exercise I did with the group, an exercise I learned from some animators in the Philippines some 20+ years ago called ‘Moving Pictures.’

In short I asked each small group to create 3 sculptures that represented Sisi ni Amani as it was in the past, as it is now & as they’d like it to be in the future.  Check out their ‘sculptures’ below.

And of course, because all work & no play makes for a very dull retreat, check out the last video clip of us doing an energizer.  Dare you not to laugh.  (Make sure you watch to the end to see our youngest participant.)

Moving sculptures- take one:

Moving sculptures – take two:

Energizer song (watch to the end to see our youngest participant):


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