100% human – Labels are for clothes
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Diversity & culture
They can take what’s complicated & simplify it. They can create community (any other mothers of teens out there? any other Canadians living in Kenya?). They can be shortcuts that bring ease. They can define & delineate. Like assessments. Like Life Lenses™.
Labels can also be dangerous.
They can bring shortcuts that create lazy, sloppy thinking. They can take what’s complicated & make it simplistic. They can create divisiveness. They can create rigid boxes that are impossible to get out of (fill in the blank: all _____ are bad drivers, or all _____ are good dancers). They can create walls where windows should be. Like some assessments (hopefully not Life Lenses™!).
Here’s to labels that are helpful & illuminating.
~~TGIF- each Friday I rejig & re-post a blog entry from my www.life-lenses.com blog, which is about enhancing our perspective & worldview.~~
Tags: diversity, labels, perspective
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