Welcome New Year! It’s the 5th Annual To Do, To Done, To’odle Compilation

Photo Credit: Courtney Dirks via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: Courtney Dirks via Compfight cc

For the past 4 years I’ve asked some darn fine folk from around the world what’s on their to do, to continue doing, to stop doing, to not do, to done, to feel & to to’odle lists.  What’s that you say?  Here’s what I mean.

  • To do * things I want to start doing, being or having
  • To continue doing * these work, so I should continue doing these
  • To stop doing * I tried these but they aren’t effective, so I shouldn’t do them anymore.
  • To not do * I know I want to stay away from these
  • To done * that’s not a typo; these are my accomplishments – I am proud of these.  This one is left off most lists I know of and yet it’s critical to take time to reflect on what we’ve done not just on what’s left to do
  • To feel * (new this year, inspired by Danielle LaPorte) how I want to feel in the upcoming year.
  • To-oodle * what I do when I need/want to avoid following my lists and let my mind wander

Here’s the first in a series of posts of the compiled responses from this, the 5th year. Take a read & get inspired.

To do * things I want to start doing, being or having


Sarah Elamin Ng’inja, one of my fabulous safari adventure friends is also  Donor Relations Specialist, UNICEF Somalia.  On her to do list is ‘not to sound like a cliche but I want to get that work-life balance right, so that I can continue doing what I do at work while being able to spend more, quality time with my family.’


Marie Mainil & team from the Amani Institute, which works at developing next-generation talent to address social challenges wants to ‘scale our program in Social Innovation Management in numbers of people reached, both in Kenya and now also in Brazil.’ (BTW coolest ‘photo’ ever; when I asked Marie to send me a photo this is what I got.  She said it’s a symbol that represents her & her team.)


To start exercising (swimming specifically), I just love being in water and also be more adventurous’ is on Caleb Gichuhi’s list.  Caleb hails from Sisi ni Amani which, among other things, does incredible work using texting to prevent violence.

Tricia Hollyer

Tricia Hollyer, founder of Brave Leaps, wants to ‘be brave enough to out myself fully in a professional context. Instead of offering what I think other people want, offer what I feel in my bones and my heart. Stop using more safe or professional language and just say what I mean – it’s my purpose to bring more love and light into the world, especially in our workplaces, and I’m going to focus on being a driver of this.’

Joanna Wedge

Joanna Wedge wants to ‘think harder before I speak and then say it more ‘loudly’ to help a child – who is not in my family or friendship circle – fulfill his or her potential.’  Joanna is an international child protection specialist & one of the coolest people I know.

To continue doing * these work, so I should continue doing these

  • Sarah wants to continue ‘treating every single person as an equal. Not only because they ARE equal, but because it makes for a great team spirit all round and it enhances motivation.’
  • Marie wants to continue ‘working with cutting-edge professionals to share their insights, knowledge and wisdom with our students. Continue striving for highest quality in our training.’
  • Caleb’s going to continue ‘playing guitar and travelling to different parts of the world, take big risks/challenges.’
  • Tricia is keeping up ‘allowing spacious presence in my life, the feeling of abundance and space. I embrace that there’s enough time to do all that I want to do and still nurture myself with rest, play, and restorative practices. The more space I give myself, the more creative and powerful I am.’
  • Joanna will continue ‘doing my three time a week ‘huff and puff’.  I trusted that my kids ‘could’ and they did to put my ideas out there and see what flies to higher winds.’

Niall Oconnor

Niall O’Connor, the WWF Regional Director for Eastern & Southern Africa, super great dad & a very fun guy to go on safaris with is going to continue to ‘smile, love life and wife, and protect family.’

Stay tuned for future posts with more folks & the rest of the compilations.  Until then, enjoy the start of a fresh year & dream big.


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