Rarely are things so clear cut (or funny) as this pie chart
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Humor & comedy
Perspective is an elusive thing. What’s clear to you, may be fuzzy to me. What’s obvious to me may be a huge mud puddle to you.
Rarely are things so clear as this pie chart.
The view from a Mountain Life Lens™ perspective can be vague, cloudy & confusing for a Carrot Life Lens™. And conversely, the view from a Carrot Life Lens™ can be narrow, restricted & head-in-the-sand.
What’s your share of the pie? What’s your perspective?
~~TGIF- each Friday I rejig & re-post a blog entry from my www.life-lenses.com blog, which is about enhancing our perspective & worldview.~~
Tags: humour, life lenses
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