How you can marry worldviews with a garter belt & the can-can
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Conflict resolution, Creativity & innovation
I’m on the verge of serving you better through launching a new website. It’s taken bursts of creativity which made me think of what you could learn from a wildly creative story involving a new take on an old tradition, the can-can & big surprises all around. But first, think of a situation where you […]
Tags: Conflict resolution, creativity, garter, problem solving
How you can use storytelling to defeat evil from Storytelling Master Marsha Shandur
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Creativity & innovation
As my Nana’s jewelry slid through my little girl fingers, it felt cool to the touch but heavy with memories. I felt a jittery excitement whirling around in the pit of my stomach in getting to explore her jewelry box. That’s one small example of master storytelling coach Marsha Shandur’s memory scavenger work […]
Tags: marsha shandur, storytelling
It’s been a tough week; here’s my response (& an interactive gift to you)
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Communication, Conflict resolution, Creativity & innovation, Teambuilding
Last week I wrote about drive. And how, if you know which of the 6 different types of drives you respond to, you can customize your own way to achieve the goals you want. One of the types of drives is affiliation, which got me thinking. Draw close – pull up your […]
Tags: dance, drive, faith, motivation affiliation
What I learned (& you can too) from the dragons hidden under my butt
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Creativity & innovation
‘Here be dragons’ was a term some say, used by explorers to describe unexplored territory. Unknown, mysterious territory. Like the territory we all face when we set out to seek, to find the betwixt & between. Working with 20,000+ participants in 80+ countries to help them laugh, learn & lead has shown […]
Tags: change, online course, perspective
The honeymoon’s not over; use my free, easy, peasy worksheet to help plan a wonderful year for yourself
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Business & organizational development, Change management & wellness, Communication, Conflict resolution, Creativity & innovation, Employee retention, Human resources, Training & development
I’m here to tell you that the honeymoon is not over. The new year honeymoon that is. You can still drink deeply from the fresh start to the year. The Heath brothers, in their wonderful new book ‘The Power of Moments’ say ‘we have a hunger for these landmarks in time’ (aka […]
Tags: heath brothers, planning, worksheet, workshop
How Actors, Zookeepers & More Are On Standby 24/7 To Help You
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Conflict resolution, Creativity & innovation
As a little girl I learned a key lesson about magical kingdoms being hidden in plain sight from my beloved Nana (that’s a picture of her as young woman). Later I learned to look at resources that were right in front of my nose that could help me get out of sticky situations. […]
Tags: Conflict resolution, creativity, decision making, magical kingdoms, perspective
How To Get Unstuck Thanks to Magical Kingdoms
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Conflict resolution, Creativity & innovation
Are you facing a particularly pernicious problem? Banging your head against the wall in frustration because you’re stuck & stumped? Stay tuned for some ease & how to find a way forward …. using resources that are right in front of your nose. Plus I’ll follow-up next week & share a fun, creative way […]
Tags: assumptions, bias, perspective, problem solving
Five Ways To See Anew & Find Another Perspective
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Conflict resolution, Creativity & innovation
Last week I made the case for Why You Need To See Anew & Find Another Perspective. Because even though you know that today’s problems won’t get resolved by the same approaches you’ve taken in the past … And even though you know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and […]
Tags: assumptions, perspective
Give me constraints, give me creativity
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Creativity & innovation
If someone challenged you to write a book using only 50 words, could you do it? How creative do you think you could be? That’s just what Theodore Geisel did when his editor bet him that he couldn’t write a children’s book using just 50 words. Can you guess which book was the result? […]
Tags: Catrinel Haught Tromp, constraints, creativity, Dr. Seuss, green eggs & ham
Does a fish see the water it swims in? Identifying the assumptions you’re swimming in
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Creativity & innovation
We’ve all done it – unwittingly made a big, fat assumption that we only realize much later clouds our thinking & our way forward. See if you can determine what assumptions these parents are making as they try to free their kid, who’s managed to get his head stuck in their fence. Fast […]
Tags: assumptions, creativity, perspective