Training & development learning well August blog post round up
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Communication, Humor & comedy, Training & development
If you didn’t catch all the posts this month simply peruse & click what’s below. Here’s the Rock.Paper.Scissors’ monthly training & development round up for the month of August. Learn well in the training & development learning well. Dive deep into the learning well or take a small sip. Shower yourself in training & development […]
Tags: alan alda, bad boys, balkan beat box, ben ames, change management, communication, compfight, creativity, document, elizabeth gilbert, evaluation, feedback, fire challenge, good deed, graphic facilitation, humour, knowledge management, miscommunication, perspective, peter holmes, practice, praxis, theory, Wellness, word clouds
Alan Alda’s ‘What’s a flame?’ contest where the judges are 11 year olds
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Training & development
You may have heard of Alan Alda. He’s been around forever it seems. Who can forget his character Hawkeye on the long running TV series M.A.S.H.? Turns out he also has an avid interest in science, stemming from his early years, which he put to good use in a contest. I remembered this moment from […]
Tags: alan alda, ben ames, fire challenge, humour