Learning from Silver Spoons; great food & great T&D concepts
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Creativity & innovation, Training & development
I was recently invited by Chris Flett of Ghost CEO and Cyndi Hunter of Silver Spoons Food Tours to take part in a culinary tour of foodie hot spots. We took in 6 restaurants and my taste buds danced in delight, where for 3 hours, I sampled, savoured and salivated. Here’s a summary of where […]
Tags: Audrey Saunders, business, canada, Chris Flett, Cobre, Cooking, Cyndi Hunter, Ghost CEO, Guilt & Co, Mexico, Nuba, Pour House, Rogue, Silver Spoon Food Tours, Stuart Irving
Elegant lessons about not holding on
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Training & development
From Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo’s hands comes the gorgeous traditional Tibetan textile piece pictured above. Equally illuminating is the quote beside it. ‘We don’t have to let go, we simply have to not hold on’ by Joseph Goldstein. I love sayings that get to the heart of things. That pack an international journey into one suitcase. That […]
Tags: buddhism, buddhist, business, joseph goldstein, leslie rinchen-wongmo, Management, tibetan
Seth Godin on amateurs, professionals & the great unwashed
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Business & organizational development, Human resources, Training & development
Seth wrote a post with the above title. He recommends you hire professionals or amateurs and not the bulk, who are in between. Professionals he defines as: those who cost big bucks but are worth more, those who show up … regardless, those who have integrity and stand up and those whose learning curve is […]
Tags: amateur, business, learning & development, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?, marketing, professional, seth godin, training & development
Take a deep breath & remember to exhale
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Business & organizational development, Change management & wellness
To get the things you’ve never had Do the things you’ve never done (Sign posted in a store I visited while at a community festival today.) If you define ‘things’ beyond just stuff this is powerful. It’s also timely. I’m embarking on some radical new learning for some new business goals. Most of the time […]
Tags: business, Business & organizational development, change management, creativity & innovation, leap of faith, learning
Business or pleasure? Why do we have to choose?
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Business & organizational development, Creativity & innovation, Human resources
“Business or pleasure?,” said the guy who was sitting beside me on a recent flight. “Business,” I replied. But I got to thinking. What does that say about business? That it can’t be pleasurable? That we can’t have fun or have ease when we’re working? Let’s face it, the old adage ‘put your nose to […]
Tags: business, danielle laporte, Galcos Soda Pop Stop, grindstone, John Nese, learning, white hot truth
Business Strategy & Lizards
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Communication
I have been participating in the Forum for Women Entrepreneurs E-Series program since January. It’s like a mini-MBA for women business owners. It kicks business butt. We’ve heard a variety of speakers on a variety of topics (see below for a listing with links). What’s been a common challenge however is to find time to […]
Tags: bev briscoe, blo blow dry bar, briscoe management, business, business strategy, change management, creativity & innovation, cupcakes, e-series, echo memoirs, forum for women entrepreneurs, isabelle mercier, judy brooks, kins farm market, leapzone strategies, learning, lisa colls simpson, lizard brain, lori kliman, mark wardell, mike jagger, nettwerk, provident security, queenie chu, sam reynolds, terry mcbride, wardell professional management, yyoga
More business savvy from Arlene Dickinson; don’t die at 60 with your millions
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness
Arlene Dickinson is smart, savvy and easy to listen to. She’s CEO of Venture Communications, ‘one of Canada’s largest marketing firms’. At a recent talk she gave, she was asked for her top advice. Here it is, plain and simple. ‘Thank god you don’t live in Haiti [or more recently earthquake stricken Chile]. We are […]
Tags: arlene dickinson, business, chile, democracy, earthquake, entrepreneur, freedom, haiti, health, marathon, millionaire, philosophy, sprint, venture communications