Learning comes in all shapes, sizes & venues (including family reunions)
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Diversity & culture, Training & development, Travel
Some prefer their learning delivered through stacks of facts. Facts lined up with their edges squared and precise, like the desks in an old classroom. Facts stuffed to (over)fill precious time. Trainers channeling their knowledge into (supposed) empty and (un)willing brains. Others (in the know) realize that learning needs to be coupled with engagement. Learning […]
Tags: change management & wellness, engagement, family, learning, pedagogy, story
The pros and cons of training stubborness, from a baboon’s point of view
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Training & development
As a trainer you’re likely passionate about your content matter (if you’re not, uh, maybe you shouldn’t be teaching it). You probably have tried and true methods that you’re confident in and killer hip pocket activities that you have at the ready. Great! Really. These are good signs of being assertive, on track and stubborn […]
Tags: change management & wellness, stubborn, training & development
Chuck the flotsam & jetsam so you can see beyond the horizon
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Business & organizational development, Change management & wellness
Love this ad, love what it captures. Today looms large but not so much tomorrow or the long term prospects. Where’s your focus? Likely it’s barely beyond the tip of your nose. On today. With all the flotsam and jetsam of today’s frenetic life we have to jettison the garbage in order to focus inward […]
Tags: change management & wellness, focus, perspective, vision
Fray or fringe worldview; you can choose
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Conflict resolution, Creativity & innovation
Recently I wrote a post about as a metaphor for life. You know the bits of a carpet that aren’t neatly sewn up but rather hang there loosely at the edges? Do you see those bits as fray – as messy, a nuisance and unorganized? Or do you see them as fringe – as balance […]
Tags: change management, change management & wellness, creativity & innovation, learning, perspective, worldview
Beating the dual drums of familiarity & excitement
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Conflict resolution
I was reading an article on stewarding online communities the other day and it talked about balancing comfort and familiarity with newness and excitement. I think we all need comfort and we all need excitement. What varies is our individual ratios of one to the other. Some of us like to eat the same thing […]
Tags: adventure, change management & wellness, comfort, excitement, familiarity, routine