Before you call the cops …
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Conflict resolution, Diversity & culture
I know what I know & I don’t know what I don’t know. For example, I know what it’s like to be a white woman. I don’t know what it’s like to be a black man. But this amazingly poignant, utterly captivating video will give you some powerful insights (if being a […]
Tags: communication, Conflict resolution, racism, tyler merritt
Sshhh don’t tell your brain ears this effective communication tip
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Communication, Conflict resolution
When my kiddos were little I told them about our brain ears. You know, the ears that are buried deep inside your brain that aren’t so smart. The ones that hear you (or someone else) say ‘you can’t do that,’ ‘you’re not smart enough,’ ‘there’s no way you’ll succeed at that,’ ‘you suck […]
Tags: communication, non verbal, para verbal, verbal
An unpaid bill, life lesson #38 + continuum thinking
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Conflict resolution
This November it’ll be 20 years I’ve been self-employed (insert a loud & raucous woot woot here; & more on that later). In all that time I’ve never not been paid for a service I’ve delivered. That recently changed. I have a client who hasn’t paid me for a training I delivered […]
Tags: communication, Conflict resolution, continuum thinking, holly weeks
Your employee engagement via a 4 act play
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Conflict resolution
You’re sitting in a really comfortable, deep red, crushed velvet theatre seat. You look up when you hear the swish of matching red velvet curtains open to display an imaginary scene set at a workplace. Relax. Settle back & watch the four act play about employee engagement that’s about to unfold before your […]
Tags: communication, Conflict resolution, employee engagement, working better together
Your 7 day tech challenge for life hacks (+ a gift)
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Conflict resolution, Training & development
I never meant to get so involved with tech. In fact when a university came asking if I’d design & teach a course on how to use social media for learning, my first thought was ‘who me?!’ That was about 9 years ago & since then I’ve been on an intriguing, useful, practical path […]
Tags: challenge, communication, ease, efficiency, learning, life hacks, tech
3 ways you should be using digital tools for life 360 hacks
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Business & organizational development, Communication, Training & development
Overwhelm. Unease. Frustration. Despair. Embarrassment. Those are just some of the emotions participants tell me they feel when they’re trying to use technology. I’m here to tell you it not only doesn’t it have to be that way, tech tools can actually serve you & make your life a whole lot easier. Here’s […]
Tags: brian scudamore, communication, flow, how i built this, learning, life 360 hack, listening, tech
Simon says … ssssh, be the last to speak
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication
I saw Simon Sinek, author of ‘Start with why,’ speak at an event in New York City some time ago and found his messages incisive & compelling. Here’s one of his latest. Check out the 1 1/2 minute video below & my notes from his video also below. ‘Here’s the problem & here’s what […]
Tags: assumption, collaboration, communication, simon sinek
Intercultural communication- When up is down & down is up
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Diversity & culture
Have you ever been in a situation where up seemed down & vice versa, where the ‘rules’ didn’t seem to apply? As I was waiting to upgrade my mobile phone chip recently I looked down at the ticket stub the agent had given me to indicate where I was in the queue – number 098. […]
Tags: communication, culture, intercultural, tips, tools
What do you do when you realize your kid’s spring break starts today & not in a week as you’ve planned?
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Diversity & culture
Flashback to last week. After a who’s on first type of conversation with a teacher, the air was sucked out of my gut faster than a cheetah chasing it’s prey & all the hairs on my arm stood at attention while I had a slight taste of bile in my mouth. I had just […]
Tags: communication, Conflict resolution, insight, life lenses, perspective
Your team building results are in- check out the most common pitfalls for teams
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Teambuilding
We all need a little help from our team mates, as the video above so charmingly displays. Yet high functioning teams, that work well together, & know & understand each other well, while critical to success in the workplace, are rare. While Forbes says team building is ‘the most important investment you’ll make,’ by the time […]
Tags: assets, communication, Conflict resolution, needs, trust