Training & development learning well August blog post round up
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Communication, Humor & comedy, Training & development
If you didn’t catch all the posts this month simply peruse & click what’s below. Here’s the Rock.Paper.Scissors’ monthly training & development round up for the month of August. Learn well in the training & development learning well. Dive deep into the learning well or take a small sip. Shower yourself in training & development […]
Tags: alan alda, bad boys, balkan beat box, ben ames, change management, communication, compfight, creativity, document, elizabeth gilbert, evaluation, feedback, fire challenge, good deed, graphic facilitation, humour, knowledge management, miscommunication, perspective, peter holmes, practice, praxis, theory, Wellness, word clouds
From complicated report cards to great graphics- how report cards can help us learn what to do & not to do
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Training & development
As the new school year draws closer (or has already begun here in Kenya) parents gird their loins for the disassembling process of understanding their kids’ report cards. What should be a relatively simple snapshot is often ambiguous & hard to understand. That’s why I loved the article in the Globe & Mail that had […]
Tags: compfight, evaluation, feedback, graphic facilitation, word clouds
Training & development learning well June blog post round up
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Training & development
If you didn’t catch all the posts this month simply peruse & click what’s below. Here’s the Rock.Paper.Scissors’ monthly training & development round up for the month of June. Learn well in the training & development learning well. Dive deep into the learning well or take a small sip. Shower yourself in training & development […]
Tags: assimilation, astore, blog, blogs, brain based learning, coca cola, communication, compfight, Conflict resolution, creative commons, delicious, doodle, dyana valentine, etsy, experiential education, facebook, flickr, go lens, google, googlel doc, graphics, gratitude, hootsuite, huffington post, immigration, infographics, jeff bulla, linkedin, marketing grader, media bistro, netvibes, newsletter, pedagogy, perspective, regretsy, search grader, self-assessment, self-awareness, social media, stop lens, twitter, youtube
Rock paper scissors in an infographic
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Creativity & innovation, Training & development
Not that, ahem, I’m biased, but you gotta love this rock paper scissors infographic (Nathan the nerd even got the order of the words right). It’s a great example of the power of visual learning. It’s fun. It’s creative. Three things that our brains love, making it easier to be creative, to communicate & to […]
Tags: compfight, creative commons, graphics, infographics
The Rock.Paper.Scissors newsletter is out: Four Ways Social Media is Transforming Workplace Learning (or how to be a space cowboy)
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Training & development
The latest Rock.Paper.Scissors e-newsletter is out with a manifesto on how to be a space cowboy (aka how Social Media is transforming workplace learning). If Social Media is like the Wild West, with everyone figuring it out as we go along, then using Social Media specifically for training and development is in another galaxy completely. […]
Tags: brain rules, compfight, douglas merrill, jeff bulla, john medina, linkedin, pedagogy, social media, twitter, workplace learning, youtube