Training & development learning well January blog post round up
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Humor & comedy, Training & development
If you didn’t catch all the posts last month simply peruse & click what’s below. Here’s the Rock.Paper.Scissors’ monthly training & development round up for the month of January. Learn well in the training & development learning well. Dive deep into the learning well or take a small sip. Shower yourself in training & development […]
Tags: albert einstein, curiousity, destination lens, exuberance, getting things done, humour, improv, improv everywhere, life lenses, passion
Now that’s a Destination Life Lens™ in full strength- taking a driving exam while in labour
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness
“A Scottish woman who took her driving exam while in labour said she passed the test & drove herself to the hospital to give birth” reports United Press International. Her water broke at 4 am & she took the driving exam at 8:40 am. “Everyone was telling me to go to the hospital, but I […]
Tags: destination lens, getting things done
The Journey Life Lens™ of Loie Fuller’s Danse Serpentine (1896)
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness
Personality traits are telling. So are assessments. Compared to my last post, where a quote from Picasso encapsulated Destination Life Lenses™, this Danse Serpentine video, recorded by modern dancer Loie Fuller in 1896, symbolizes the view from a Journey Life Lenses™. There are no straight lines with Journey Life Lenses™. Their process or journey changes […]
Tags: destination lens, journey life lens, loie fuller, perspective
Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone ~ Picasso
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication
Personality traits are telling. So are assessments. Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone, Pablo Picasso (1881-1973). Could there be a more Destination Life Lens™ saying? I think not! Personality traits of a Destination Life Lenses™ on a good day: focused eye on the goal get things done […]
Tags: destination lens, life lenses, pablo picasso
How do you see success? A view from a clown & the Life Lenses™
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Business & organizational development
I had my chuckle of the day when a client, from the organization called S.U.C.C.E.S.S no less, sent me the above cartoon. What’s your idea of success? It’s a perspective clearing question. Your aim is true and clear if you know what you value success-wise. Here are some lenses on success. Success from a Carrot […]
Tags: carrot lens, destination lens, go lens, head lens, heart lens, journey lens, life lenses, mountain lens, randy glasbergen, stop lens, success
Destination Aeron for the WhiteHot Truth
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Training & development
I hold out. I waited seven weeks for my Aeron chair because I wanted grey instead of black. I sat on the floor in my living room for three months because I wanted a couch that was three inches lower than the in-store model. I went four months without any creative-type support because I hadn’t […]
Tags: commitment, danielle laporte, destination lens, whitehot truth
What kind of journey are you on – measured, secure & contained or wild with risk & opportunities?
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Training & development
No matter if the journey (Journey Life Lens™) is a strong preference of yours or if you avoid it all costs (preferring to get to the point, the destination – Destination Life Lens™) we’ve all got to deal. Deal with the open road and the horizon that beckons. Find our own path that works. For […]
Tags: destination lens, dyana valentine, journey lens
Countdown continues- 1 more day to the global launch of Life Lenses™
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Human resources, Teambuilding, Training & development
New! Today we’re shining the light on Journey (love the process) and Destination (geared to get things done) Life Lenses™. Which do you think you are? Simply click here to answer a few questions and enter the contest to win a free Life Lenses™ assessment ($60 US value) . There will be multiple chances to […]
Tags: destination lens, journey lens, life lenses, self-assessment
Are you ready to see clearly? Enter to win a free Life Lenses™ assessment
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Employee retention, Human resources, Training & development
The global launch is Friday, October 8th in Paris, France. Only 7 more days to go until Life Lenses™ is available online! Are you a lover of details or a big picture kind of person? Never without your to-lists or are more of a meanderer? Governed by your heart or your head? Oriented to go, […]
Tags: carrot lens, destination lens, go lens, head lens, heart lens, journey lens, life lenses, mountain lens, self-assessment, stop lens
Calling all goal-oriented, focused folk. Are you a Destination Life Lens™?
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Employee retention, Human resources, Training & development
To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing. ~ (Eva Young) Do you like to focus on getting where you’re going, where you’re headed, what you’re trying to achieve? Do you put your time and energy into achieving your goals, reaching your objectives, getting things done? Are you decisive and […]
Tags: carrot lens, destination lens, go lens, head lens, heart lens, journey lens, life lenses, mountain lens, self-assessment, stop lens