Storytelling as a culture builder – 3 resources to help you get storytelling
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Business & organizational development, Human resources
Storytelling is a strategic tool for building organizational culture, managing change, teambuilding and more. In my last post I covered 9 tips to help you get storytelling. Here are three resources to assist you in your storytelling journey: Check out Springboard, the classic book by Stephen Denning, considered the grand-daddy of using storytelling as an […]
Tags: corporate storytelling, Daniel Pink, heath brothers, made to stick, springboard, stephen denning, storytelling
Storytelling as a culture builder – how feather dusters & snow globes can help
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Business & organizational development, Human resources
‘Tell me a story’ are words to make most people’s blood pressure increase. Just as North American corporate audiences don’t tend to sing or draw in public, we don’t tend to tell stories either. Or do we? The background story We all tell stories and we tell them all the time. We just may not […]
Tags: change management, Daniel Pink, echo memoirs, engagement, infographics, made to stick, organizational culture, sam reynolds, storytelling
Attention! Attention! A test of your attention.
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Business & organizational development
The Heath brothers have written in Made to Stick that our brains are more like a sieve than a sponge. Instead of soaking up what catches our eye, we’re more likely to strain out things that don’t catch our attention, leaving behind the big chunky bits in the sieve that is our brain. Watch the […]
Tags: assessment, attention, chip heath, christopher chabris, dan heath, daniel simons, gorilla, made to stick
Curiousity may have killed the cat but it’s a trainer’s best friend
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Human resources, Training & development
The saying, curiousity killed the cat, means if you’re too curious harm may come to you. That’s true. In some circles curiousity causes problems (say if you’re a bank teller trying to figure out how to steal money) but in the case of corporate training curiousity is worth its weight in gold. Curiousity opens the […]
Tags: bearingpoint, chip heath, corporate training, curiosity, curiousity, dan heath, fast company, knowledge, knowledge gap, made to stick, russ berland
Cultural intelligence and the UN Rio World Urban Forum
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Conflict resolution, Diversity & culture, Social Responsibility, Travel
What’s your CQ? You may be familiar with IQ, social intelligence and emotional intelligence but the new kid on the block is cultural intelligence. I’m in Rio de Janiero, Brazil at the United Nations World Urban Forum. I’ve just finished doing a workshop on cultural intelligence, which is a combination of meta-cognition, skills and knowledge, […]
Tags: assumptions, brazil, complexity, Conflict resolution, cultural intelligence, culture, heath, intelligence, intercultural, made to stick, united nations, world urban forum, worldview
Are you a sieve or a sponge?
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Travel
We see what we expect to see. The Heath Brothers, in their fantastic book Made to Stick, talk about our minds being like a sieve as opposed to a sponge – that to remember something it has to be big enough, memorable enough, sticky enough to get caught in the sieve. My sieve got stuck […]
Tags: brazil, development, heath brothers, learning, made to stick, memory, normal, powerful learning, toucan, Travel