Fringe or Fray: how you see the edges affects how you see the core
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Conflict resolution
I love lists. I love making them and checking them off. I like to think (some might say delude myself) that they help me have a sense of control over my life. I can get a bit crazy when I feel I don’t have any control, when I’m unorganized, when I’m not sure where things […]
Tags: 4 hour work week, change management, creativity & innovation, four hour work week, learning, mess, organized, perfect mess, perspective, tim ferris
Fail forward
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Communication, Conflict resolution
When Albert Einstein was asked what the best source of invention was he replied ‘mistakes’ (as heard on Terry O’Reilly’s Age of Persuasion). The only time we don’t make mistakes is when we’re sleeping (found on an IKEA postcard). Why then do we deny mistakes? Cover them up? Hide from them? Are embarrassed by them? […]
Tags: age of persuasion, albert einstein, cbc, cbc radio, change management, ikea, invention, learning, mess, mistakes, perspective, terry o'reilly, training & development