10 tips for trainers part one: bumblebee butts & booty
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Diversity & culture, Teambuilding, Training & development
It’s my birthday tomorrow and as tomorrow’s not a usual day for posting I thought I’d give you a gift today. Ever since I hit the earth some 4+ decades ago I’ve not had to wait for Christmas to open gifts so I thought I’d share the bounty with you, my dear blog reader, with […]
Tags: access, bee, birthday, bumblebee, delicious, flickr, humor, humour, inclusion, popular education, praxis, self-care, tip, tips, youtube
Are you ‘Educating for a Change?’
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Training & development
Educating for a change is one of my all time favourite books. It’s a lovely blend of: 1. Explaining what popular education is and why it’s important 2. Example activities that you can use to effect change As a learning and development specialist do you know what your pedagogy is? Pedagogy technically means the teaching […]
Tags: adult education, andragogy, brain based learning, experiential education, pedagogy, popular education
Where’s your rudder? Inspiration for training & development specialists
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Creativity & innovation, Training & development, Travel
Regardless of whether you’re a landlocked lubber or a water born baby chances are you know where a boat rudder is. On the bottom of the boat. Right? Not necessarily. For a land crisscrossed with water (in fact 1/4 of it is below sea level), Holland knows a thing or two when it comes to […]
Tags: amsterdam, gerd junne, popular education, praxis, rudder
T&D lessons from an interviewer at the FolkFest
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Training & development
Should you need to find me during the 3rd week of July, for the past 30 some years I’ve been spending it volunteering for the Vancouver Folk Music Festival. After a full day of multiple stages sending their musical notes adrift on the salt tinged air, when the sun is setting, kissing the mountains goodnight, […]
Tags: adult education, Interview, interviewing, popular education, stephen covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Vancouver folk music festival
Powerful training = powerful learning
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Creativity & innovation
When was the last time you learned something powerful in a group setting? I’ve asked my workshop participants this very question hundreds of times and I can count on one hand the number of times someone relayed an example that took place in a university setting (see my caveat below). Powerful learning is relevant. Powerful […]
Tags: adult education, book learning, brain based learning, education, experiential education, group dynamics, learning, popular education, powerful learning, training & development, university