Hang out in your head & reflect, then get up off the couch & take action. Rinse. Repeat.
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Diversity & culture
There’s a time to speak & a time to listen. There’s a time to reflect & a time to act Last week was for reflection. Today’s for action. Based on a traumatic incident I had while in the ICU, in the first of this 3 series post I talked about the power […]
Tags: action, ally, films for action, gender, power, privilege, racism, reflection, sexism, social change
The C word
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness
The C word. Have it & you’ve got a protective buffer against life’s many challenges. Lack it & every challenge, like a colleague’s careless cutting remarks, stings more than a scraped knee. Some people look like they’re oozing it, but often they’re only faking – like a house built without a foundation, they […]
Tags: c word, celebrate, confidence, power, self-doubt
Training & development learning well February blog post round up
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Training & development
Sit up, take notice & look back before looking forward to next month. If you didn’t catch all the posts this month simply usher yourself down to the well & click as you wish. Learn well in the training & development learning well. Dive deep into the learning well or take a small sip. Shower […]
Tags: assessment, complexity, emmanuel jal, life lenses, newsletter, perspective, power, social media, to do
Suck or blow? Power surges & power vacuums
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Business & organizational development
Waaaaay back when, when I used to do leadership training with youth, we’d sometimes play a game called suck & blow. It involved passing a playing card around a seated, circle of people, without using your hands, only by way of mouth to mouth. You could only pass the card by sucking in (holding the […]
Tags: david tees, fred fisher, james macgregor burns, locally elected leadership, power, united nations
What is culture? 5 ways people from different countries learn differently (& 5 ways we all learn the same)
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Diversity & culture, Travel
There will always misinterpretations of culture (like the photo above). I’ve done training & development work in Canada, the U.S., India, the Philippines, the Arctic, Japan, Mexico, Kenya, Saskatchewan, Uganda, Tanzania, Brazil, Spain, France, China and soon, Egypt with workshop participants from more than 80 countries. Currently I’m living & working in Kenya. As a […]
Tags: authority, cross culture communication, culture, environment, gender, informal learning, power, transfer of learning