What do you carry (11 cabbages & a grudge against your father for never coming back?)
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Communication, Social Responsibility, Teambuilding
My attention is always caught by creativity; because it’s a great springboard to unusual ways of thinking & problem solving. This cab driver’s sign is a great example & got me thinking. What do you carry? The things we carry tell stories. They serve up memories from the past & memories yet to […]
Tags: decision making, motivation, peggy mcintosh, privilege
Hang out in your head & reflect, then get up off the couch & take action. Rinse. Repeat.
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Diversity & culture
There’s a time to speak & a time to listen. There’s a time to reflect & a time to act Last week was for reflection. Today’s for action. Based on a traumatic incident I had while in the ICU, in the first of this 3 series post I talked about the power […]
Tags: action, ally, films for action, gender, power, privilege, racism, reflection, sexism, social change
There’s a 6 foot long green snake living in my banana tree
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Diversity & culture, Training & development, Travel
There’s a 6 foot long green snake living in the banana tree in my yard. So said my ‘friend’ Roman the other day while we were out walking the dogs. Trying not to faint, with eyebrows askance, I said ‘Really?’ ‘Sure,’ he says, ‘but don’t worry it’s utterly harmless.’ I was pretty sure he was […]
Tags: humour, international development, kenya, privilege, self-awareness, united nations, wes darou
Destination passion
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Conflict resolution, Diversity & culture, Social Responsibility
On this first day of 2010 I’m thinking about destinations. Specifically where we’re headed with hard work. Where our passion’s home port is. Where the fuel that fires us up leads us towards. With a bit of luck, a lot of hard work we get to find our passion, our element as Sir Ken Robinson […]
Tags: change management, choices, creativity & innovation, element, evil, good, ken robinson, learning, passion, privilege, questions, terrorism, Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab, wild time, wonder woman
Perspective & the Problems of Privilege part 2
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Conflict resolution, Travel
Never doubt that there are spirits alternately laughing at and with you, supporting you, egging you on, helping you walk on eggs and sometimes throwing egg in your face. After my last post about feeling the angsty-post-Christmas blues I simply had to laugh at this over the top take on privilege in the form of […]
Tags: bbq, blues, change management, Christmas, invitation, perspective, privilege, problems, uganda
Perspective & the Problems of Privilege
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication
The house is a mess. The kids have been watching too much TV. I’ve been eating too much Christmas chocolate. The effects of Christmas (a.k.a. gift wrap, decorations, gifts, extra food) are strewn around the house like land bound flotsam and jetsam. I’m feeling argumentative and frustrated and out of sorts. I’m feeling stressed because […]
Tags: africa, calgon, Christmas, commercial, perspective, privilege, problems