Getting it on with GQ (but not the way you think)
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Communication, Conflict resolution
There’s IQ, EQ (emotional intelligence) & now GQ (guts or grit quotient). A little girl puts her nose to the table, eyes wandering everywhere but the fluffy marshmallow in front of her face. She’s part of the famous marshmallow experiment, which showed that kids that could delay gratification for double the treat, overall […]
Tags: assessment, EQ, focus, GQ, grit, IQ, national geographic, productivity
How to Banish Pinball Syndrome & Rock Your Pinball Wizard
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness
It’s the season for magic. It’s in the air. Magic has been a theme for me lately, what with my discovery of my Nana’s magical kingdom & my upcoming website redesign influenced by my archetypes (one of which is alchemist- bring on the magic of transformation!). Magic is also something that came […]
Tags: alchemis, diigo, getfriday, pinball syndrome, planning, productivity, todd davis
From mud to migraines – how marrying my opposite gave birth to Life Lenses™
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Conflict resolution
‘Do you get headaches doing that?,’ my boyfriend asked me, genuinely puzzled, while peering over my shoulder. ‘Say what?!,’ I thought, confused as mud, as I continued making my lists, relaxing into the task of sorting through the flotsam & jetsam of our lives & putting it all down in neatly organized lists. (Yes lists, […]
Tags: diversity, ease, life lenses, perspective, productivity
Amp your productivity with Vocaroo, a dead easy online voice recorder
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication
Have space in your brain for a cool, easy tool? Need to send a message but too tired or busy to type it out? Try Vocaroo– an online voice recording tool & amp up your productivity. It couldn’t be any easier to use. Just click the button & start talking, then hit save & send […]
Tags: productivity, vocaroo, voice recorder
A tool for accessing, expanding, stretching & sharing your knowledge
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Business & organizational development
How do you curate knowledge? How do you access it, expand it, stretch it, use it, share it? It’s tough in these days of volume overload where news headlines flash faster than my friend’s toddler can go from happy & calm to the world-is-ending-now. That’s why I was drawn to this article about a 6 […]
Tags: feedly, knowledge, productivity
HabitRPG- an app that combines productivity with gaming
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Business & organizational development
Digital literacy. Digital divide. ICTs (Information Communication Technologies), MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), Social Media, it’s enough to make your head spin. I’ve gleefully just dived into reading ‘Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out – Kids living & learning with new media’, which is why this Habit app caught my attention. HabitRPG is a […]
Tags: digital divide, digitial literacy, gaming, habits, productivity
Viagra, sex tapes, clarithromycin – 6 reasons why spam works (unfortunately)
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Business & organizational development, Social Responsibility
“Viagra, sex tapes, lesbian dating in cleveland complaints against adult dating sites. Clarithromycin is a macrolide antibiotic. It is cast-off to regale multifarious kinds of infections.” Say what? If you blog you’ll no doubt recognize these as spam comments. Before I got a spam filter I was getting up to 80 spam comments a day […]
Tags: akismet, blog, blogging, captchas, learning, outsourcing, permission marketing, productivity, spam, spammers