How you get kids to wash their hands can tell you a lot about effecting change
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Training & development
Washing hands prevents sickness, prevents spreading disease. Washing your hands properly can reduce your chances of death, yes death, by up to 35%. Nothing new there. Smoking kills. The World Health Organization says that 4.2 million people died prematurely in 2000 from smoking. Smoking stinks, it’s expensive and (as a non-smoker I can only imagine) […]
Tags: head life lens, heart life lens, hyrum grenny, josephy grenny, sara mitaru
Learning about change & the power of music to rock the world from United Nations ‘Messenger of Truth’ Sara Mitaru©
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Social Responsibility
Imagine being able to write “Messenger of Truth” as a job title on your CV. That’s what the incomparable Sara Mitaru can claim. What exactly is a messenger of truth? The United Nation’s Messengers of Truth (MOT) Project has 3 major objectives: to inform youth living in slums and inner cities of the Millennium Development […]
Tags: messenger of truth, sara mitaru, social change, storytelling, united nations
What’s your theory of change? Evolution or Revolution?
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness
Ever wondered what your theory of change is? How do you believe change happens? If you’re a learning and development specialist then you’re out to change – change minds, expand learning, influence behaviour. Face it, you’re a changemaker. One way to look at change is on a continuum with evolution at one end and revolution […]
Tags: alicia kritsonsis, change, change theory, effecting change, learning & development, sara mitaru
The 2 most important tips for making your training accessible & inclusive
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Diversity & culture, Training & development
This summer I got to hang with Sara Mitaru (pictured above), a United Nations designated Messenger of Truth, while we were both at a conference in Istanbul, Turkey. Sara’s a tiny, power packed artist who sings about effecting social change. I spent some time in the recording studio where she was practicing for a […]
Tags: access and inclusion, audio, david muthami, kinesthetic, learning style, messenger of truth, sara mitaru, visual
Putting learning technology in the back seat – where it belongs
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Diversity & culture, Training & development, Travel
At its best learning technology should disappear into the background, allowing the learning to shine. At its worst technology is so much in the foreground that nothing else is discernible (enter video conferences where participant faces look like something a Star Wars make-up artist dreamed up while on drugs). Recently, while doing some training in […]
Tags: karun koernig, learning, learning technology, messenger of truth, sara mitaru, technology, turkey, united nations
How do you like your learning – with or without olives?
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Diversity & culture, Training & development
Being in Istanbul, Turkey to do a program evaluation training on behalf of the United Nations naturally means eating a Turkish breakfast. This morning I found myself musing about learning over olives. Yes olives. I was watching the pile of uneaten olives grow on the plates of my breakfast mates. David Muthami, a music producer […]
Tags: david muthami, Diversity & culture, learning, learning atmosphere, learning content, learning styles, messengers of truth, sara mitaru, turkey