Chris Weeks, DHL’s Director of Humanitarian Affairs, on corporate responsibility
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Social Responsibility
Recently I co-hosted AIESEC’s Youth to Business Forum where 500 delegates came from 110 countries to engage, inspire and take action on three tracks: innovation, corporate responsibility and leadership. That’s my co-host Krishnan Ananthakrishnan, from UNHABITAT, and I above. It was a real honour to meet some of the delegates and key speakers. Here are […]
Tags: chris weeks, corporate responsibility, dhl, jessica fraser, marianne knuth, mobile movement, pioneers of change, Social Responsibility
Learning from a hole in the wall
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Creativity & innovation, Human resources, Social Responsibility, Training & development, Travel
Check out the video below about the TED hole in the wall educational experiment (forward to 7:15 min). It’s the work of Dr. Sugata Mitra, of India. His office butted up against a slum and one day he punched a hole in his wall and stuck a computer in it. A computer that faced out, […]
Tags: alternative education, dr sugata mitra, education, hole in the wall, India, learning, Learning Theories, pedagogy, self-organizing, slums, Social Responsibility, Sugata Mitra, TED, values