Learning means converting & translating
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Training & development, Travel
I was recently in Turkey doing program evaluation training for the United Nations, which meant carrying a variety of ubiquitous plug adapters. I laughed at the above combination of plugs – all feeding into one that would fit the hotel outlet, allowing computer and IPhone to charge. The need to convert, change or adapt in […]
Tags: delicious, Get Friday, hootsuite, social bookmarking, technology, turkey, united nations, virtual assistant, youtube
Putting learning technology in the back seat – where it belongs
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Diversity & culture, Training & development, Travel
At its best learning technology should disappear into the background, allowing the learning to shine. At its worst technology is so much in the foreground that nothing else is discernible (enter video conferences where participant faces look like something a Star Wars make-up artist dreamed up while on drugs). Recently, while doing some training in […]
Tags: karun koernig, learning, learning technology, messenger of truth, sara mitaru, technology, turkey, united nations
Turkish swirling smoke, whirling dervishes & Wi Fi; learning with the old & new
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Training & development, Travel
I’m in an outdoor restaurant watching folks rest up after a long day. I’m not sure which is more responsible for the slouching against the low slung couches – the heat and humidity or perhaps not having eaten all day, for it’s the first day of Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting. It’s my last […]
Tags: blue mosque, hagia sophia, islamic, istanbul, learning, old and new, ramadan, turkey, whirling dervishes, wi fi
How do you like your learning – with or without olives?
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Diversity & culture, Training & development
Being in Istanbul, Turkey to do a program evaluation training on behalf of the United Nations naturally means eating a Turkish breakfast. This morning I found myself musing about learning over olives. Yes olives. I was watching the pile of uneaten olives grow on the plates of my breakfast mates. David Muthami, a music producer […]
Tags: david muthami, Diversity & culture, learning, learning atmosphere, learning content, learning styles, messengers of truth, sara mitaru, turkey