Head down – it’s in the details
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication
This is the view from the Athlete’s village in the Welcoming Ceremony area …. when you look down. As a 2010 Vancouver Olympic volunteer I’ve learned a lot about details, alot about looking down. I thought I was a detail person to start with. I had nothing on the Olympics. Names on athlete’s participation certificates […]
Tags: 2010 olympics, details, olympics, routine, vancouver, winter olympics
Leaving behind Tim Hortons at the Olympics
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness
This is the view that greets me most mornings as I start my volunteer shift as a NOC assistant for the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. Tim Hortons on the sidelines. Cups of caffeine left behind, lined up along the garbage can, as we weave our way through security into the athlete’s village. No liquids allowed. There’s […]
Tags: 2010 olympics, celebrate, change management, olympics, perspective, routine, tim hortons, time, vancouver