Resilience Is About How You Recharge Not How You Endure
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Humor & comedy
I’m the Queen of suck it up. I can put my nose to the grindstone & buckle down with the best of them. Hours can pass without my noticing my shoulders are aching, my back is sore & I need to go to the bathroom. I work hard, really hard. That’s why I need an […]
Tags: celebrate, hbr, humour, recovery, resilience, suck it up, urgency, Wellness
The C word
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness
The C word. Have it & you’ve got a protective buffer against life’s many challenges. Lack it & every challenge, like a colleague’s careless cutting remarks, stings more than a scraped knee. Some people look like they’re oozing it, but often they’re only faking – like a house built without a foundation, they […]
Tags: c word, celebrate, confidence, power, self-doubt
Leaving behind Tim Hortons at the Olympics
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness
This is the view that greets me most mornings as I start my volunteer shift as a NOC assistant for the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. Tim Hortons on the sidelines. Cups of caffeine left behind, lined up along the garbage can, as we weave our way through security into the athlete’s village. No liquids allowed. There’s […]
Tags: 2010 olympics, celebrate, change management, olympics, perspective, routine, tim hortons, time, vancouver