Pssst – what’s your secret password? I will tell.
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness
May 4th is world password day (#WorldPasswordDay), which got me thinking – there are passwords to your computer files of course, but what about the passwords to your heart? To a life full of meaning? To success on your terms? Some of my passwords are ‘spacious possibilities’ which for me means: I am […]
Tags: confidence, password, richard branson
Embracing the moments that matter (or what an Irish Ball & imposter syndrome have in common)
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication
There are so many moments in life that can seem small but upon some quiet reflection you realize they have so much in common. Here are 7 of those moments & experiences that I was able to come up with in a very short period of reflection that all have something very special in […]
Tags: alyssa burtt, confidence, facilitation, gratitude, international dance day, marsha shandur, storytelling
The C word
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness
The C word. Have it & you’ve got a protective buffer against life’s many challenges. Lack it & every challenge, like a colleague’s careless cutting remarks, stings more than a scraped knee. Some people look like they’re oozing it, but often they’re only faking – like a house built without a foundation, they […]
Tags: c word, celebrate, confidence, power, self-doubt
Borrowed husbands = more money, more wine
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Training & development
Sometimes as a trainer you gotta fake it til you make it. I don’t mean with your content expertise – participants will know in a nano-second if you don’t know your stuff. I also don’t mean with knowing how to teach – participants will sniff that out too PDQ. What I mean is confidence. Self-confidence. […]
Tags: confidence, sandra oldfield, tinhorn creek vineyards
How you teach is how you do everything – part 2: be brave & bold
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Training & development
‘How you teach is how you do everything’ is the title of a recent blog post written by Jen Louden and Michele Lisenbury Christensen, which I think is hands down, one of the most eloquent pieces on teaching I’ve read in a long time. The post covers 8 points about teaching, which I’m following up […]
Tags: confidence, creativity, jen louden, michele lisenbury christensen, self-care, teachnow