Pssst – what’s your secret password? I will tell.

  May 4th is world password day (#WorldPasswordDay), which got me thinking – there are passwords to your computer files of course, but what about the passwords to your heart? To a life full of meaning? To success on your terms?   Some of my passwords are ‘spacious possibilities’ which for me means: I am […]


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Embracing the moments that matter (or what an Irish Ball & imposter syndrome have in common)

  There are so many moments in life that can seem small but upon some quiet reflection you realize they have so much in common. Here are 7 of those moments & experiences that I was able to come up with in a very short period of reflection that all have something very special in […]


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The C word

The C word.   Have it & you’ve got a protective buffer against life’s many challenges. Lack it & every challenge, like a colleague’s careless cutting remarks, stings more than a scraped knee.   Some people look like they’re oozing it, but often they’re only faking – like a house built without a foundation, they […]


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Borrowed husbands = more money, more wine

Sometimes as a trainer you gotta fake it til you make it.  I don’t mean with your content expertise – participants will know in a nano-second if you don’t know your stuff.  I also don’t mean with knowing how to teach – participants will sniff that out too PDQ. What I mean is confidence.  Self-confidence.  […]


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How you teach is how you do everything – part 2: be brave & bold

‘How you teach is how you do everything’ is the title of a recent blog post written by Jen Louden and Michele Lisenbury Christensen, which I think is hands down, one of the most eloquent pieces on teaching I’ve read in a long time. The post covers 8 points about teaching, which I’m following up […]


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