Social media tools for listening, learning & leading
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Human resources
I recently presented a workshop on Leveraging Social Media to Boost Employee Engagement at the IHRM (Institute for Human Resources Management) HR Technology Conference, co-sponsored by H-Senid (which specializes in HR & Tech & has offices in 5 countries) in Nairobi.
Here’s the group (picture below), all of whom were enthusiastic to not only get their picture taken around the Hilton hotel pool but also to try out some new social media tools.
Want a peek at what I covered? Download the powerpoint at the link below where I include tools for listening (a.k.a. research), learning & leading (a.k.a. application).
Have any tools to add to the mix? As always, I’d love to hear from you.
Leveraging Social Media to Boost Employee Engagement – workshop powerpoint.
Tags: h-senid, Human resources, ihrm, social media, technology
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