Heaven doesn’t need harmonica players
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Social Responsibility
Andy Mackie, a retired horse trainer, had 9 heart surgeries. The resulting 15 prescriptions caused more problems than they were worth so he stopped taking them. That’s a lot of dough for a lot of drugs. So what did he do with the money he saved? He figured he’d live for only about a month […]
Tags: andy mackie, haiti, harmonica, inspiration, jesse joshua watson, learning, music
More business savvy from Arlene Dickinson; don’t die at 60 with your millions
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness
Arlene Dickinson is smart, savvy and easy to listen to. She’s CEO of Venture Communications, ‘one of Canada’s largest marketing firms’. At a recent talk she gave, she was asked for her top advice. Here it is, plain and simple. ‘Thank god you don’t live in Haiti [or more recently earthquake stricken Chile]. We are […]
Tags: arlene dickinson, business, chile, democracy, earthquake, entrepreneur, freedom, haiti, health, marathon, millionaire, philosophy, sprint, venture communications
Are you using all your strength?
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Change management & wellness, Communication, Social Responsibility, Travel
You can be sure the people in Haiti are. Using all their strengths that is. Sometimes we are oblivious to our most obvious strengths. A little girl was having difficulty lifting a heavy stone. Her mother came along just then. Noting the girl’s failure, she asked, “Are you using all your strength?” “Yes, I am,” […]
Tags: disaster, haiti, paradise built in hell, possibilities, rebecca solnit, strength