Laugh, learn & lead via God fearing, saved Christian driver
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Humor & comedy, Training & development
Sitting in infernal Nairobi traffic the other day (or a ‘jam’ as the locals call it), I saw this sign posted on a building. Do you need a God fearing saved Christian driver? Cultural context: Nairobi traffic being what it is, many (privileged) folks have drivers. If you were looking for a driver what qualities […]
Tags: laugh, laugh & learn, transfer of learning
Those who laugh last (up to 7 years longer)
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Communication, Humor & comedy
Having a happy disposition affects how long you live, up to 7 years longer than grumpy folk. Researchers at Wayne Statue University in Michigan looked at 230 pictures of major league baseball players from 1952. They categorized the pictures according to how much they were smiling and their laugh lines. They then looked at life […]
Tags: biopsychoimmunoloyg, health, humor, Humor & comedy, laugh, laughter, learning, longevity, michigan, wayne state university, Wellness
Because Laughing Matters
Posted by Lee-Anne Ragan | Filed under Human resources, Humor & comedy
I’m teaching a workshop on Friday called ‘Because Laughing Matters‘ at the Every Woman conference in Whistler, British Columbia. This is a topic dear to my heart. And if it’s not dear to your heart it should be because: humour is strategic, it primes the brain for learning – when we’re laughing we’re using the […]
Tags: chuck hamilton, creativity & innovation, Daniel Pink, every woman, Ford, humor, Humor & comedy, IBM, laugh, laughing matters, learning, lizard brain, seth godin, whistler, Whole New Mind